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Intercultural competence

The secret meaning of body language

  Intercultural body language The history of italian hand gestures. Screenshot taken from nytimes.com Recently, when I was researching intercultural body language for one of my coachings on intercultural competence, I stumbled across a wonderful video on Italian hand gestures on The New York times. Expressive, dynamic, [...]

German culture – Why do we complain so much?

German culture - Why do we complain so much? Put a group of random Germans together and they will start to mourn. Be it the weather, the surroundings or how terrible the service of the Deutsche Bahn is. It's just a small piece of my German culture, but it's [...]

Israeli Culture: The Question of Security in Israel

My Israeli Experience: Flying El Al Security in Israel is connected to everything this country is all about: The Holy Land, Israel, the Middle East.. All these words bring different aspects to mind and still they are tied to more or less the same location. It's not easy to grasp [...]

Working abroad: Why Dos and Don’ts for Israel are not enough

Training for Israel Recently, I held an intercultural training on Israel for a big telecommunications company in Vienna, Austria. It was interesting for me, as a German, to see how an Austrian group approached their interactions with Israelis (history, anyone?). However, there was something that struck me that comes up [...]

How working in a mental institution changed my life

A mother's home: The Indian NGO Maher My first time working with mentally deranged patients in the Indian NGO Maher was in 2010, just after I finished my masters’ degree. I had time, I had a ticket to India and - having heard much about it from [...]

By |2018-08-28T11:49:29+02:00December 17th, 2013|Categories: Blog (English), Intercultural|Tags: , |0 Comments

The NSA outcry: Cultural reasons why Germans care so much

It's in the air and on the news: the American-German friendship is in crisis. Ever since word got out that the Americans are not only spying on your average German, but also on their "Mutti" (a term of endearment for our chancellor Angela Merkel), German politicians went from appeasement to [...]

By |2017-08-11T16:26:26+02:00November 3rd, 2013|Categories: Blog (English)|Tags: , |0 Comments
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